- silvanite
- серебряная обманка, сильванит
Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
Silvanite — Sil van*ite, n. (Min.) See {Sylvanite}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
silvanite — variant of sylvanite … Useful english dictionary
Silvanus (Forgotten Realms) — Forgotten Realms Deity|fgcolor=#fff bgcolor=#000 fgcolor=#fff name=Silvanus title=Oak Father, Forest Father, Treefather home=House of Nature power=Greater alignment=True Neutral portfolio=Wild, nature, druids domains=Animal, Plant, Protection,… … Wikipedia
Chauntea — Forgotten Realms Deity|fgcolor=#fff bgcolor=#000 fgcolor=#fff name=Chauntea title=The Great Mother, the Grain Goddess, Earthmother home= power=Greater alignment=Neutral Good portfolio=Agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners,… … Wikipedia
Aaron Dunn — Aaron Dunn, one of the pioneers of the northwest was a prominent and honored citizen of Deadwood. He was a native of the province of Ontario, Canada; having been born on the banks of the St. Clair River, a few miles from the city of Detroit,… … Wikipedia
Kuldahar — Ville des Royaumes oubliés Kuldahar Région Nord de l Épine dorsale du monde Dirigeant Archidruide de Sylvanus Kuldahar est une ville fictive située au cœur de l Épine dorsale du monde, une grande chaîne de montagnes du nord de Féerune, dans le… … Wikipédia en Français